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6 Reasons to Get Your Saddle Checked - Saddles Direct

6 Reasons to Get Your Saddle Checked

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Time to read 3 min

Are you guilty of the “if it ‘aint broke, don’t fix it” approach to your saddle? It’s understandable, but neglecting your saddle can lead to discomfort for both you and your horse. Even if your saddle appears to be in good condition, it’s important to have it checked regularly by a qualified saddle fitter. 

We’ve all been there…not sure when/if you need a saddle check, then put it off for another 6 months! Our horses’ shapes can change over time, and a poorly fitting saddle can cause discomfort, pain, and even injury.

Here are 6 reasons to call a saddle fitter and get your saddle checked:

1. Sudden Behavior Change

If you have gone from having a loving happy horse with good mannerisms in the stable and ridden to trying to mount a fire breathing dragon…there may be something going on! We tend to say get the top 3 checked – 1 Saddle, 2 Back, 3 Teeth, chances are there will be a gripe with one and can be swiftly sorted ????

2. Weight Loss/Gain

This one is pretty self explanatory but its one of the main culprits of a ill fitting saddle! If you suddenly see a noticeable change in your horses weight e.g. rug straps are suddenly loose/tight, girth now does up on the top girth holes and used to be bottom and vice versa,  we would say call the fitter and double check chances are your saddle will be affected!

3. Change Of Season

Just same as us, horses can be affected by change of seasons which has a knock on effect with their fitness/weight/health. When the wind, rain, ice and snow shows up 90% of us down tools and put off riding, i know i do! Those of you lucky enough to have an indoor school maybe no change.

On the flip side in summer with the nice weather, light nights and the horses are out 24/7 sometimes it goes either way. You have the sun worshipers who are out day and night schooling, hacking, competing. Then the other half who are still recovering from winter and avoid the stabled/field for 3 months.

Spring and Autumn are also the change over months we find most saddle issues happen and is the best time to call out the fitter!

4. Post Time-off

Be it a holiday (you or the horse!) or injury forced, post time off is a VITAL time to check your saddle as chances are they have changed with the down time. The worst thing you can do i go to bring your horse back into work and have them uncomfortable, this could cause yourself some pain!

5. New Saddle

When you get a new saddle/new to you saddle sometimes your judgment can be clouded with adoration for the new saddle and don’t quite see the small fit issues. A professional should remain impartial and give you and honest answer on the fit!

6. If you've never had your sadde checked

You are out there…don’t present your not! The culprits who have always fitted and checked their own saddles, not that there is any harm at all! BUT sometimes it is good to get the advice of a professional, they see what you don’t and will fine tune the little niggles and help you iron out with the unknown gripes!

Whether you’re treating yourself to a new saddle, your horse’s shape has changed, or you’re altering your riding schedule, it’s important to get the most out of your saddle fitting appointment. Make sure you bring your riding gear and stay open-minded about saddle options. Don’t forget to be honest about any horse health concerns, and consider bringing your instructor along to get the best solution and investment for you and your horse.

We’re passionate about ensuring both horse and rider are comfortable and performing at their best. Don’t wait until it’s too late, book a saddle fitting appointment today and give your horse the comfort they deserve. Leave a message on our live chat or call our friendly office team to book your appointment.